Helping real estate professionals
succeed since 1995.

“In 1995, one of my agents asked me if MLS data could be visualized. They wanted to see how the market was changing and have better conversations with their clients. My answer was a resounding 'yes,' and TrendGraphix was born. Since then, I have listened to the stories and concerns of thousands of agents and brokers and built TrendGraphix to help them succeed. Listening has been our north star since day one.

We are passionate about helping real estate professionals because we are real estate professionals ourselves. Having worked at a reputable real estate firm with a thousand agents for over three decades, first in a management role and eventually as President, I gained tremendous firsthand insight into how brokers and agents work and what they need to succeed.

Brokers need data for their growth strategy and agents need data to be the best advisor they can be to their clients. Data is like treasure! But we also know it’s more than data. It’s the insights that come with experience, and the wisdom to apply those insights intelligently. We work carefully with MLS data to provide you with the treasure you need. That is our passion. And we hope you see that when you talk with us.”

-Jean Li, President

Meet the team.

Jean Li headshot

Jean Li


Kevin Tu headshot

Kevin Tu

Senior Vice President

Wuri Wedyawati headshot

Wuri Wedyawati

VP Product Development & Operations

Dennis Haley headshot

Dennis Haley

Director of Sales

Zachary Lenoir headshot

Zachary Lenoir

Account Manager

Want to talk?
Get in touch.